It is impossible to visit the whole country in under at least 2 months minimum and this just for an overview. Something is going to have to be given a miss. As we had been to Venice 2x before (I even have a coat to show but just too warm to wear here) , and we had never been to places South of Rome, we headed off South from Milan. It was difficult to decide where to stop over, so many choices, and just too many choices.
Do you remember the film ‘My House in Umbria’ with Maggi Smith? –
Umbria is just one of those regions (there are 20 ) that is a must for all travelers. Difficult to describe the full charm and intense almost dark beauty of this region, the hills, the mountains, the deep green lush of chestnut groves and elm forests, the river valleys and the Medieval character of the Dark Ages. The Italian for shadow is ombra. Umbria is right in the middle of Italy, East of Rome, and lies in the shadows of the beautiful Tuscany - So this gives you an idea. ‘This landlocked region's overwhelmingly medieval character harkens one back to the mysticism and mysteries of the Dark Ages’ somebody once described it. Umbria of the Umbrians 600 B C is lying there in the shadows of the ages.
We were booked into a ‘palace’ for a night in one of these Medieval Towns, Gubbio. You drive up to a certain point and then somebody from the hotel (in this case an American married to one of the wealthy heiresses) fetches you and shows you where to park. I found this description of Gubbio on the internet
Gubbio in Umbria region, central Italy, on a southwest slope of the Apennines 35 km/22 mi northeast of Perugia; population (1991) 30,500. Now estimated at 36 000. Gubbio was known in Renaissance times for its maiolica (white, tin-glazed earthenware), and this is still imitated in a few factories and workshops here. The town has retained its medieval character, and has a Gothic cathedral (partly 12th-century) and other ancient churches and fine palaces…
And yes, this was indeed where St Francis of Assisi was supposed to have tamed a fierce wolf.
I have made up my mind! Here I can live. For the rest of my days. If I had known what Gubbio had to offer, I would have sneaked in at least another day. Live now! Pay later! Gubbio would be worth every cent.